Classement des nations les plus puissantes Israël 10ème

1 février 2014 2 Par Eli

Les Etats-Unis sont la  nation la plus puissante suivant la majorité des paramètres.
Suivent la Chine, la Russie, la France, le Japon, le Royaume-Uni, l’Allemagne, l’Inde et le Canada.
Qui est le 10ème ?

L’étude est en fait le calcul de l’indice 2012 National Power (NPI), publié par la Fondation pour la recherche sur la sécurité nationale (FNSR) , un think tank basé à New Delhi.
Le NPI est une quantification de la puissance d’une nation, c’est à dire de sa capacité à influencer les événements mondiaux.
Le classement est basé sur un ensemble d’analyses statistiques, économiques, militaires, technologiques, et sociologiques.
Chaque facteur porte un certain poids et l’indice composite comprend une analyse détaillée et individuelle de chaque catégorie

Capacité militaire :

La recherche évalue Israël comme un pays de 8 millions, avec un PIB de 272 milliards de dollars et 176.500 personnels militaires actifs.
La capacité militaire d’Israël est classée 6ème mondiale.

Capacité technologique :

En technologie, Israel est classé 4ème, derrière les USA, Japon et Corée.

Son économie est classée 25ème

Enfin sa diplomatie atteint le 19ème rang.

Pour conclure, les Etats-Unis sont encore la  nation la plus puissante suivant la majorité des paramètres.
Suivent la Chine, la Russie, la France, le Japon, le Royaume-Uni, l’Allemagne, l’Inde et le Canada.

Voici les  10  premières nations les plus puissantes selon cette étude indienne:
1er: The United States

Composite Index: 1
Economic Capability: 1
Military Capability: 1
Population Capability: 3
Technological Capability: 1
Energy Security: 8
Foreign Affairs Capability: 1
Population: 317,281,000
GDP (nominal): $15.68 trillion
Area: 9,826,675 km2
Active military personnel: 1,429,995
Note: The United States is likely to remain the most powerful country in the world for at least another decade or two given that it ranks number one in 5 different NPI sub-indexes.
2eme: China

Composite Index: 2
Economic Capability: 2
Military Capability: 3
Population Capability: 1
Technological Capability: 10
Energy Security: 14
Foreign Affairs Capability: 9
Population: 1,350,695,000
GDP (nominal): $8.939 trillion
Area: 9,706,961 km2
Active military personnel: 2,285,000
Note: China ranks number one as the most populous country in the world and comes in second in terms of economic power. Analysts predict that China will overtake the US before 2030, according to the International Futures model.
3eme: Russia

Composite Index: 3
Economic Capability: 15
Military Capability: 2
Population Capability: 11
Technological Capability: 11
Energy Security: 4
Foreign Affairs Capability: 4
Population: 143,600,000
GDP (nominal): $2.015 trillion
Area: 17,098,242 km2
Active Military Personnel: 766,000
Note: Russia is the world’s largest country in size (with huge energy reserves) and it is ranked number two in terms of its military power.
4eme: France

Composite Index: 4
Economic Capability: 6
Military Capability: 4
Population Capability: 7
Technological Capability: 6
Energy Security: 18
Foreign Affairs Capability: 2
Population: 65,950,000
GDP (nominal): $2.739 trillion
Area: 640,679 km2
Active Military Personnel: 228,656
Note: France is ranked as the fourth most powerful country. Despite its strong military and economic power, France is mainly the fourth most powerful country because of its foreign affairs capability and position in global diplomacy – it is a permanent member of the UN security council.
5eme: Japan

Composite Index: 5
Economic Capability: 3
Military Capability: 9
Population Capability: 4
Technological Capability: 2
Energy Security: 25
Foreign Affairs Capability: 6
Population: 126,659,683
GDP (nominal): $5.007 trillion
Area: 377,944 km2
Active Military Personnel: 247,746
Note: Despite a small land area Japan ranks fourth in population capability and it has one of the most powerful economies in the world (ranking third) and ranking second in technological capability.
6eme: The United Kingdom

Composite Index: 6
Economic Capability: 5
Military Capability: 5
Population Capability: 13
Technological Capability: 8
Energy Security: 16
Foreign Affairs Capability: 3
Population: 63,181,775
GDP (nominal): $2.490 trillion
Area: 243,610 km2
Active Military Personnel: 205,330
Note: Once an empire that controlled more than a quarter of the world the UK is still one of the world’s most powerful countries. It ranks third in foreign affairs capability and it has a strong economy along with one of the most powerful militaries in the world.
7eme: Germany

Composite Index: 7
Economic Capability: 4
Military Capability: 8
Population Capability: 5
Technological Capability: 7
Energy Security: 21
Foreign Affairs Capability: 5
Population: 80,585,700
GDP (nominal): $3.593 trillion
Area: 357,021 km2
Active Military Personnel: 182,927
Note: Germany is one of the world’s leading economies with a relatively large population and significant influence in the European Union.
8eme: India

Composite Index: 8
Economic Capability: 8
Military Capability: 7
Population Capability: 2
Technological Capability: 17
Energy Security: 2o
Foreign Affairs Capability: 11
Population: 1,210,193,422
GDP (nominal): $1.758 trillion
Area: 3,287,590 km2
Active Military Personnel: 1,325,000
Note: India is the second most populous country in the world and the eighth largest military spender. India is also highly ranked in its economic and military capability.
9eme: Canada

Composite Index: 9
Economic Capability: 10
Military Capability: 15
Population Capability: 9
Technological Capability: 9
Energy Security: 3
Foreign Affairs Capability: 10
Population: 35,158,300
GDP (nominal): $1.825 trillion
Area: 9,984,670 km2
Active Military Personnel: 65,000
Note: Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of size and it is abundant in natural resources. The country has a strong economy and very strong ties with the US and UK.
10eme: Israel

Composite Index: 10
Economic Capability: 25
Military Capability: 6
Population Capability: 17
Technological Capability: 4
Energy Security: 26
Foreign Affairs Capability: 19
Population: 8,051,200
GDP (nominal): $272.737 billion
Area: 22,072 km2
Active Military Personnel: 176,500
Israël, la petite nation qui a défié l’histoire en revenant à la vie après 2000 ans d’exil, se classe parmi les 10 nations les plus puissantes au monde selon cette étude récente.
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A noter qu’aucun des pays musulmans n’est classé dans ce top 10, serait-ce la raison de la haine qu’éprouvent les musulmans envers Israël?


Israël entouré d'un océan musulman

Israël entouré d’un océan musulman


Reproduction autorisée avec la mention suivante : © Eli d’Ashdod pour

Reproduction autorisée avec la mention suivante : © Eli d'Ashdod pour Eli d'